Boats Ahoy!
Better than a detailer....cheaper than a skipper
Boats Ahoy!
Boat Management & Trailer Storage
Why Store your Trailer ? Don't get caught!
As recently reported on the News as well as New papers, the local authorities are cracking down on trailers parked for extended periods of time on puplic Roads.
Long & Heavy Vehicles – S.200 of the Road Rules prevents all vehicles over 7.5m in length, or with a GVM of 4.5 tonnes or more, from stopping on a road in a built up area for longer than one hour
The Impounding Act 1993 (IA) is administered by the Division of Local Government within the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The IA is of relevance to boat trailer parking because Section 15 allows an Impounding Officer to impound an article, if the Officer believes on reasonable grounds that the article has been abandoned or left unattended. Council regulatory staff are authorised Impounding Officers.
Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997
It is a requirement of NSW law that all vehicles be registered to access the road network. It is an offence for any person to use an unregistered registrable vehicle3 or to cause or permit4 another to
3 Section 18 Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997
4 Clause 84(3) Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulation 20078
use an unregistered registrable vehicle on any road or road related area. Use of a vehicle includes standing the vehicle on a road or road related area5.
The definition of a registrable vehicle includes any trailer, which includes a boat trailer.
The maximum court imposed penalty for both offences is $2200. A penalty notice (currently $596) can be issued for either offence by NSW Police and RMS enforcement officers. The Act also allows for unregistered registrable vehicles used on a road to be seized by Police6.
Registrable vehicles must also not be used on a road or road related area unless they comply with the applicable vehicle standards7. NSW Police and RMS enforcement officers may, upon identifying a defective vehicle, issue a defect notice against the vehicle. Defect notices must be cleared by the registered operator of the vehicle within the time prescribed in the notice (no more than 28 days) or else registration sanctions (suspension and ultimately cancellation) apply.